A New York Visit

HeaderChadashI’m dashing off to New York and am looking forward to some cool things! I’m visiting my friend Guy at Chadash Clarinets on Monday morning.  I met Guy at a clarinet fest, maybe around a hundred years ago, and I was mesmerized first by his wonderful accent and then by his amazing knowledge of all things clarinet.  I can’t wait to see his shop because he’s doing some great things with clarinets, combining old school craftsmanship with modern advances, and he’s producing some of the finest available handmade instruments.  We’re honored that Guy uses our clarinet pads! I’ll try to shoot a short video tour while I’m there so you can all check out the cool things that Chadash Clarinets is doing.

jlwoodwindLater Monday I’m going to stop at JL Woodwind repair and visit my friend John Leadbetter. John is an amazing player and tech. John is going to help me set up a neck for a player in NY and promised to give me a tour of his NYC shop.

This should be an outstanding NY visit!